Plot: The series follows John Nolan, a forty-year-old man, who moves from his comfortable, small town life to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of being a police officer for the Los Angeles Police ...
Plot: A group of workers on a remote Scottish oil rig are due to return to the mainland when a mysterious fog enshrouds them and supernatural forces take hold.
Plot: A grifter named Ripley living in New York during the 1960s is hired by a wealthy man to begin a complex life of deceit, fraud, and murder.
Plot: A quick-witted and courageous young woman framed for murder unexpectedly becomes the most notorious outlaw in 18th-century England. When a magical spirit called Billy appears, Nell realizes her destiny is bigger than she ever imag...
Plot: An authoritarian regime is about to unravel. Follows a story of one year within the walls of its palace.
Plot: It follows a crash-landed alien named Harry who takes on the identity of a small-town Colorado doctor, slowly begins to wrestle with the moral dilemma of his secret mission on Earth.
Plot: Jack Reacher was arrested for murder and now the police need his help. Based on the books by Lee Child.
Plot: An animated series that follows the exploits of a super scientist and his not so bright grandson.
Plot: A small Norwegian town experiencing warm winters and violent downpours seems to be headed for another Ragnarok -- unless someone intervenes in time.
Plot: Comedy series about four Native American teenagers growing up on a reservation in eastern Oklahoma.
Plot: Follows a world-famous televangelist family with a long tradition of deviance, greed, and charitable work.
Plot: A private espionage operative battles over the preservation of democracy in a world constantly at odds.