Plot: A man seeks to break free from his predetermined path, a cop questions his wife"s demeanor after her return from a supposed drowning, and a woman searches for an extraordinary individual prophesied to become a renowned spiritual g...
Plot: An assassin tries to make amends in an effort to restore the sight of a beautiful young singer.
Plot: Many years after the reign of Caesar, a young ape goes on a journey that will lead him to question everything he"s been taught about the past and make choices that will define a future for apes and humans alike.
Plot: After Po is tapped to become the Spiritual Leader of the Valley of Peace, he needs to find and train a new Dragon Warrior, while a wicked sorceress plans to re-summon all the master villains whom Po has vanquished to the spirit re...
Plot: When oil is discovered in 1920s Oklahoma under Osage Nation land, the Osage people are murdered one by one - until the FBI steps in to unravel the mystery.
Plot: A hitman, his boss, an art dealer and a money-laundering scheme that accidentally turns the assassin into an overnight avant-garde sensation, one that forces her to play the art world against the underworld.
Plot: When a goddess of war reincarnates in the body of a young girl, street orphan Seiya discovers that he is destined to protect her and save the world. But only if he can face his own past and become a Knight of the Zodiac.
Plot: A CIA operative and his translator flee from special forces in Afghanistan after exposing a covert mission.
Plot: While vacationing, a girl and her parents are taken hostage by armed strangers who demand that the family make a choice to avert the apocalypse.
Plot: An agoraphobic Seattle tech worker uncovers evidence of a crime.
Plot: In the early years of the 20th century, the Kingsman agency is formed to stand against a cabal plotting a war to wipe out millions.
Plot: King Louis XIV"s quest for immortality leads him to capture and steal a mermaid"s life force, a move that is further complicated by his illegitimate daughter"s discovery of the creature.