Plot: A series of bank robberies and car heists frightened communities in the Pacific Northwest. A lone FBI agent believes that the crimes were not the work of financially motivated criminals, but rather a group of dangerous domestic te...
Plot: After his home is conquered by the tyrannical emperors who now lead Rome, Lucius is forced to enter the Colosseum and must look to his past to find strength to return the glory of Rome to its people.
Plot: Kraven"s complex relationship with his ruthless father, Nikolai Kravinoff, starts him down a path of vengeance with brutal consequences, motivating him to become not only the greatest hunter in the world, but also one of its most ...
Plot: Anora, a young sex worker from Brooklyn, meets and impulsively marries the son of an oligarch. Once the news reaches Russia, her fairytale is threatened as his parents set out for New York to get the marriage annulled.
Plot: A sudden attack by Wulf, a clever and ruthless Dunlending lord seeking vengeance for the death of his father, forces Helm Hammerhand, the King of Rohan, and his people to make a daring last stand in the ancient stronghold of the H...
Plot: An aging gangster attempts to reconnect with his children and rectify the mistakes in his past, but the criminal underworld won"t loosen their grip willingly.
Plot: A mysterious traveler blackmails a young TSA agent into letting a dangerous package slip through security and onto a Christmas Day flight.
Plot: Cat is a solitary animal, but as its home is devastated by a great flood, he finds refuge on a boat populated by various species, and will have to team up with them despite their differences.
Plot: After Santa Claus is kidnapped, the North Pole"s Head of Security must team up with the world"s most infamous bounty hunter in a globe-trotting, action-packed mission to save Christmas.
Plot: Maria Callas, the world"s greatest opera singer, lives the last days of her life in 1970s Paris, as she confronts her identity and life.
Plot: Two young religious women are drawn into a game of cat-and-mouse in the house of a strange man.
Plot: Eddie and Venom, on the run, face pursuit from both worlds. As circumstances tighten, they"re compelled to make a heart-wrenching choice that could mark the end of their symbiotic partnership.